Whether you believe man’s activities are contributing to the warming of the planet or not, the fact is the earth’s climate is changing. One look at the melting polar ice caps over the last 50 years confirms this fact. A second indisputable fact according to the United Nations Department of Social Affairs (UN DESA); by 2030, just thirteen years away, the current world population of 7.3 billion will increase to 8.5 billion. By 2050, 33 years from now, the numbers grow to just under 10 billion.
Serving a population of this size requires serious changes in the way we manage the planet’s resources. One critical requirement for a growing population is electricity. Jacqueline Holman’s article published in Creamer Media’s Engineering News explains that for a variety of reasons, including urbanization and developing economies around the world the global demand for electricity is expected to increase by as much as 60% by 2030.
Innovation Brings Down Costs, Drives Conservation, and Protects the Environment
Increased demand usually translates to higher prices for consumers. As the need for electricity grows, the focus on conservation also continues toÊincrease. Many companies that manufacture electrical products are working hard to develop items whichÊuse less energy, reduce costs, and have a softer footprint on the environment. LED lighting is a perfect example of this innovative approach to the efficient use of electrical power.
Commercial Benefits of LED Lighting
A fluorescent strip light is the traditional method of illuminating most businesses. What are the reasons LEDs are a better option than the old fluorescents? Unlike fluorescent bulbs LEDs contain no chemicals, produceÊzero waste disposal, and you won’t receive aÊbill from an outside company to recycle tubes. This results in lower costs for you and reduced impact on the environment.
LED arrays distribute and direction the light more evenly and accurately. This means it takes less fixtures to cover a larger area, allowing you to use energy more efficiently. LEDS convert 80% of their energy input into the light and 20% into heat. For incandescent bulbs those numbers are opposite. Once again, a better result for less money.
LED lights have a much longer lifespan than traditional fluorescent lamps. On average, about 50,000 hours compared to approximately 1200 hours for incandescent bulbs. Although initially more expensive to convert over replacement costs less and is an overall money saver in the long run. Business owners can qualify to advantage of government tax programs, which will help reduce the amount of the one-time investment.
High Power LED Option
In some situations, high powered LEDs are a better option. If you are lighting an outdoor or large indoor area, you will want to consider high power. Other areas that clearly benefit from high power include automotive forward areas, such as a parking lot or street lights.
A few applications may also benefit from the use of high-power LEDs although the choice is less clear. You need to carefully consider several criteria, such asÊpower usage, before choosing high power LEDs in appliances, medicine, industrial, and small space lighting to name a few. High Power LEDs are brighter but require a more sophisticated power delivery system.
If you have questions about LED application, products, installation costs, or any facet LED or High Power LED products you are invited to contact Energy Recovery Products (ERP). Your questions are welcome, and answers await. Visit ERP’s website or call 805-517-1300.